Board Name | Board Description | Vacancies |
Calgary Planning Commission | The Calgary Planning Commission is a technical review committee that engages experts in making decisions about how our city grows. The Commission shall have the following duties and functions: &... | |
Intergovernmental Affairs Committee | The Intergovernmental Affairs Committee has the following mandate: (a) Preparing representations on the impact of other governments' policies on The City; (b) Co-ordinating long-term growth and develo... | |
Audit Committee | The mandate of the Audit Committee is to: (a) Assist Council in fulfilling its oversight and stewardship responsibilities by gaining and maintaining reasonable assurance in relation to: (i... | |
Nominations Committee | (1) The responsibilities of Nominations Committee include considering and recommending to Council applicants to appoint to BCCs.(2) Nominations Committee shall report directly to Council.(3) Nominatio... | |
Calgary Metropolitan Region Board | The Calgary Metropolitan Region Board shall: a) strive towards consensus regarding matters before the Board, b) promote the long term sustainability of the Calgary Metropolitan Region, &nb... | |
Calgary Police Commission | The Calgary Police Commission is a statutory body created under the Alberta Police Act. The Calgary Police Commission has the following legislated responsibilities: - to allocate funds provided ... | |
Social Wellbeing Advisory Committee | The Social Wellbeing Advisory Committee advises Council and Administration on City policies, strategies and service delivery in accordance with the Social Wellbeing Principles. The Social Wellbeing Pr... | |
Urban Design Review Panel | The Urban Design Review Panel's mandate is to provide independent, professional design advice, from an urban design and architecture perspective, on public and private development and major redevelopm... | |
Advisory Committee on Accessibility | To provide strategic advice and make recommendations to City Council and City Administration in addressing issues, needs, and services for people with physical, sensory, and cognitive disabilities; in... | |
Anti-Racism Action Committee | The Anti-Racism Action Committee will advise Council and provide leadership on the development and implementation of a community-based anti-racism strategy. The Committee will monitor emerging communi... | |
Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee | The primary function of the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee ("CAUAC") is to provide Council with professional and strategic advice on matters that affect Aboriginal Calgarians, and offer on... | |
BiodiverCity Advisory Committee | The BiodiverCity Advisory Committee provides Council and Administration with strategic advice on matters affecting urban biodiversity in The City of Calgary. The Committee advances the commitments and... | |
Assessment Review Board | The Calgary Assessment Review Board (ARB) is a quasi-judicial board established in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and The City of Calgary Bylaw 15M2018. It is an impartial tribunal that ... | |
Calgary Public Library Board | In accordance with the Libraries Act, the Calgary Public Library Board, subject to any enactment that limits its authority, has full management and control of the Calgary Public Library and shall... | |
Subdivision and Development Appeal Board | The Calgary Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) is a quasi-judicial board established in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and The City of Calgary Bylaw 25P95. The SDAB hears ap... | |
Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board | To hear and determine appeals of: Licence and permit decisions made under the following bylaws:- The Alarm Services Bylaw - Bicycle Courier Licensing Bylaw- Business Licence Bylaw- Combative Sports C... | |
Alberta Municipalities | The Alberta Municipalities is responsible for the general improvement of Municipal Government and Administration in Alberta by the following means: Advancing the organization as an agency for the coo... | |
Arts Commons Advisory Committee | The mandate of the Committee is to complete a fulsome review and assessment of the renovation and expansion of the Arts Commons facility [Arts Commons Transformation project "ACT Project"], as adopted... | |
Calgary Convention Centre Authority | Mandate: To manage, market and operate the Calgary Telus Convention Centre in an efficient and market-competitive manner in order to maximize overall economic benefits to The City of Calgary while mai... | |
Calgary General Hospital Legacy Fund Review Committee | Administers the Fund to projects and programs, in accordance with the Fund’s stated purpose of “healthy Calgary initiatives” which promote and/or contribute to the physical, mental a... | |
Calgary Stampede Board | The Calgary Stampede is a not-for-profit community organization that preserves and promotes our western heritage, cultures and community spirit. With a vision to create a world-class, year-round gathe... | |
Emergency Management Committee | The Emergency Management Committee advise Council on the development of emergency plans and programs, as required by Section 11 of the Emergency Management Act. The Chair, in consultation with the Dir... | |
Pension Governance Committee | The Pension Governance Committee is responsible for oversight and reporting on all matters relating to the pension plans in which City employees participate. Any decision of the Pension Governance Com... | |
Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta | The Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta is a non-partisan Association and has the following objects: To strengthen and maintain a structured system of networking and sharing ... | |
Federation of Canadian Municipalities | The Federation of Canadian Municipalities represents the national interest of local governments in Canada and act as the spokesman for Canadian cities, towns and municipal authorities on all such matt... | |
Inter-City Forum on Social Policy | The Inter-City Forum on Social Policy shall act as a vehicle for information-sharing, networking and advocacy for and among Alberta cities and other major urban areas, and the people who live in them,... | |
City of Chestermere and City of Calgary Intermunicipal Committee | The purpose of the Intermunicipal Committee ("IMC") is to provide the opportunity for discussion, issue resolution, and greater intermunicipal cooperation at the elected official level and to enable s... | |
Foothills County and City of Calgary Intermunicipal Committee | The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate the working relationship between the two municipalities, the ongoing sharing of information between elected officials and municipal staff and to provide a... | |
Rocky View County and City of Calgary Intermunicipal Committee | The purpose of the Intermunicipal Committee ("IMC") is to facilitate the ongoing sharing of information between the two municipalities’ elected officials and Administrations. It provides a forum... | |
Beltline Community Investment Fund Committee | The purpose of the Beltline Community Investment Fund Committee is to invest the BCIF Fund in projects within the Beltline Area to support public realm infrastructure for current and future residents,... | |
Attainable Homes Calgary Corporation | Attainable Homes Calgary Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Calgary. It is responsible to implement and administer the Attainable Home Ownership Program by providing stewardship o... | |
Calgary Arts Development Authority | Calgary Arts Development plays a leadership role in realizing the potential of arts and culture in Calgary. As the City's designated arts development authority, they are a central hub that learns abou... | |
Calgary Economic Development Ltd. | Calgary Economic Development is the "hands on" "on the ground" organization responsible for undertaking business development activities such as: business development for both existing and new busines... | |
Calgary Housing | Calgary Housing's mandate is the development, provision and operation of housing and accommodation. As the largest landlord in Calgary, Calgary Housing provides affordable housing options for approxim... | |
Calgary Municipal Land Corporation | Calgary Municipal Land Corporation ("CMLC") is a public land development corporation created by The City of Calgary, as sole shareholder. The CMLC will be accountable for the development and sale of l... | |
Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund Ltd. | The mandate of the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund ("OCIF") is to manage the OCIF Reserve effectively and in a manner that creates an environment that encourages economic recovery and growth, help... | |
Calgary Airport Authority | The Calgary Airport Authority's mandate is to: To manage and operate the airports for which it is responsible in a safe, secure and efficient manner, and To advance economic and community development... | |
Calgary Transit Access Eligibility Appeal Board | The Board’s mandate is to hear and determine appeals from: (a) a decision that a person is ineligible for shared-ride public transportation service made by Transit Access Eligibility; or(b) a de... | |
Community Peace Officer Oversight Committee | (1) The mandate of the Committee is to review the following types of investigations conducted by City administration in order to ensure that such investigations were conducted in a proper,... | |
Platform Calgary | Platform Calgary brings together the resources of Calgary's tech ecosystem to help startups launch and grow at every step of their journey, from ideation through to scale. They focus on making all par... | |
Combative Sports Commission | The purpose of the Calgary Combative Sports Commission is to regulate, govern and control professional combative sporting events and contestants within the City of Calgary. The Calgary Combative Sport... | |
Saddledome Foundation | To undertake responsibility for the operation of the Scotiabank Saddledome and to operate it for the benefit of amateur athletics and hockey development and research. | |
Heritage Calgary | Mission: To embrace and keep space for the stories of this place. Vision: A city that understands and values it’s diverse heritage. Heritage Calgary's mandate: Advise Council on all matters rel... | |
Silvera for Seniors | Silvera for Seniors provides affordable housing for lower-income Calgary seniors. | |
Calgary International Airport Development Appeal Body | The Calgary International Airport Development Appeal Body hears appeals on decisions of the General Manager, Planning & Transportation Policy Business Unit arising in accordance with the terms and... | |
Calgary Sport & Major Events Committee | The vision for the Calgary Sport & Major Events Committee (CSME), working with other key organizations in Calgary, is to win bids for and attract major sports, recreation and cultural events to ge... | |
Bow River Basin Council | The Bow River Basin Council is a multi-stakeholder group that has a broad mission of encouraging co-operative and effective strategies for water use management and environmental stewardship. The Bow R... | |
East Paskapoo Slopes Joint Advisory Committee | The committee's purpose is to review and comment on development proposals in East Paskapoo Slopes. The committee's operation will be a continuation of the process which accompanied the preparation of ... | |
Lindsay Park Sports Society | The Lindsay Park Sports Society Board of Governors is responsible for setting general policy for the MNP Community & Sports Centre and for oversight of the organization, its subcommittees, operati... | |
Mall Programming Fund Management Committee | To ensure the "Reserve Fund for 300 West Block Stephen Avenue Mall Programming" account is used for appropriate program activities of the 300 West Block of Stephen Avenue Mall. | |
McMahon Stadium Society | To operate, maintain and manage McMahon Stadium facilities for sports, recreational and other purposes. | |
Parks Foundation Calgary | To promote and encourage the co-operative effort of government, private and community sector involvement toward the enhancement of the quality of parks, recreation and open space in the City of Calgar... | |
Tourism Calgary | To promote and service the tourist industry and to encourage the holding of conventions in Calgary. | |
WinSport | WinSport's mandate is to manage, operate and maintain Canada Olympic Park (COP). To provide training, coaching, competition and recreation facilities to be used by high-performance athletes, developin... | |
4th Street South West Business Improvement Area | The 4th Street South West Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following:(1) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area;(2) developing, improving and maintai... | |
17th Avenue Retail & Entertainment District Business Improvement Area | The 17th Avenue Retail & Entertainment District Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area;(b) develo... | |
Beltline Business Improvement Area | The Beltline Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area;(b) developing, improving and maintaining public ... | |
Bridgeland Business Improvement Area | The Bridgeland Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and maintaining publ... | |
Calgary Downtown Association Business Improvement Area | The Calgary Downtown Association Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving an... | |
Chinatown Business Improvement Area | The Chinatown Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (1) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Chinatown Business Improvement Area; (2) developing, improving and maintai... | |
Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Area | The Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and ma... | |
Greenview Industrial Business Improvement Area | The Greenview Industrial Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and mainta... | |
Inglewood Business Improvement Area | The Inglewood Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and maintaining publi... | |
International Avenue Business Improvement Area | The International Avenue Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (1) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (2) developing, improving and mainta... | |
Kensington Business Improvement Area | The Kensington Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and maintaining publ... | |
Mainstreet Bowness Business Improvement Area | The Mainstreet Bowness Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and maintain... | |
Marda Loop Business Improvement Area | The Marda Loop Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and maintaining publ... | |
Montgomery on the Bow Business Improvement Area | The Montgomery on the Bow Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and... | |
Victoria Park Business Improvement Area | The Victoria Park Business Improvement Area's mandate is as following: (a) improving, beautifying and maintaining property in the Business Improvement Area; (b) developing, improving and maintaining p... | |
Infrastructure and Planning Committee | The mandate of the Infrastructure and Planning Committee is as follows: (a) planning (including Transportation); (b) development; (c) infrastructure (includin... | |
Community Development Committee | The Community Development Committee's mandate is as follows: a. Connecting, including the following areas: - affordable housing; arts and culture; - community research and strategy; - rec... | |
Executive Committee | The Executive Committee may: - make final decisions at the Committee level within its mandate where City of Calgary policy exists; - accept Briefings; - refer reports to Administration; - refer report... | |
Calgary Climate Innovation Fund Executive Advisory Committee | The Climate Innovation Fund Executive Advisory Committee ("CIFEAC") reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation. An Edmonton CIFEAC and a Calgary CIFEAC are esta... | |
Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - Governance Committee | The Governance Committee is established by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board. The purpose of the Governance Committee (“the Committee”) is to provide a focus on governance that will en... | |
Event Centre Committee | The mandate of the Committee is to provide recommendations to Council after receiving and reviewing the information provided by Administration and any of its third-party consultants regarding the deve... | |
Prairie Economic Gateway Committee | The goals of the Prairie Economic Gateway initiative are to complete the following three 'workstreams' that will allow for the realization of the inland logistics hub: 1) Achieve a mutually agreeable ... | |
Climate Advisory Committee | The Climate Advisory Committee provides Council and Administration with strategic advice and recommendations on policies and strategic initiatives that relate to climate change mitigation and adaptati... | |
Council Services Committee | Council Services Committee has the following mandate: - strategic and policy direction on services provided by Administration for Councillors and their staff; and- receiving advice from Administration... | |
Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - Land Use and Servicing Committee | The Land Use and Servicing Committee is established by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (“the Board”). The purpose of the Land Use and Servicing Committee (“the Committee”... | |
Multisport Fieldhouse Committee | The mandate of the Committee is to provide recommendations to Council after receiving and reviewing the information provided by Administration and any of its third-party consultants regarding the refi... | |
Trilateral Joint Planning Area 1 Committee (Airdrie, Calgary, Rocky View County) | The Calgary Metropolitan Region (CMR) Growth Plan (GP) prescribes the creation of Context Studies in four areas. This approach focuses on Joint Planning Areas (JPA) between municipalities where higher... | |
Trilateral Joint Planning Area 2 Committee (Calgary, Chestermere, Rocky View County) | The Calgary Metropolitan Region (CMR) Growth Plan (GP) prescribes the creation of Context Studies in four areas. This approach focuses on Joint Planning Areas (JPA) between municipalities where higher... | |
Calgary Salutes Coordinating Committee | The Calgary Salutes Committee coordinates the planning and support of local military ceremonial and community events through the activities of a Coordinating Committee and three additional subcommitte... | |
Council Advisory Committee on Housing | The goal of the Council Advisory Committee on Housing is to support Council's goal to increase equitable outcomes for Calgarians seeking safe, affordable, and supportive housing. The Committee will pr... | |
Tax Incentive Appeal Board | The mandate of the Tax Incentive Appeal Board is to hear appeals of decisions made by the Municipal Assessor under Bylaw 23M2024, the Renewable Energy Non-Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw, to:(a) deny ... | |
Calgary Salutes Committee | The Calgary Salutes Committee coordinates the planning and support of local military ceremonial and community events through the activities of a Coordinating Committee and three subcommittees: - Educa... |