Home Icon Calgary Climate Innovation Fund Executive Advisory Committee

The Climate Innovation Fund Executive Advisory Committee ("CIFEAC") reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation. An Edmonton CIFEAC and a Calgary CIFEAC are established. The Alberta Ecotrust Foundation ("AEF") Board, by delegating authority through the Chief Executive Officer will allow the CIFEAC to undertake activities and make decisions in a manner consistent with the achievement of the mandate of the Foundation and the Climate Innovation Fund in the respective cities in which they operate. The CIFEAC is responsible for advancing the strategic direction of the CIF and providing regular progress reports via the CEO and Committee Chair to the Board of Directors with respect to the local activities.

Roles and Responsibilities:
Consistent with the bylaws, policies and mandate of AEF, the CIFEAC will:
• Be chaired by the participating member of the AEF Board. The committee may decide to elect a co-chair. The chair (or co-chairs) are responsible for establishing the agenda and facilitating the decision-making processes with support from staff
• Utilize the respective city’s climate change plan(s) as a basis, while also considering other stakeholder input, to develop the strategic direction of the Climate Innovation Fund through the establishment of a rolling 3 year business planning process
• Provide strategic level input into the overall direction of local CIF granting and social mobilization efforts
• Periodically review CIF program goals and outcomes, and provide strategic advice for improvements
• Monitor the progress of the Climate Innovation Fund (programming, grants, and investments) with the support of staff and progress reports
• Provide strategic input, through consultations with the investment committee and other experts, into investment priorities including direct impact investing
• Collaborate with other Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) Centres and Federation of Canadian Municipalities National LC3 Office
• Within the context of the budget limits and process of the AEF board, review and make recommendations on local budgets.
• Review and approve the Annual Statement of Plans and Objectives prior to submission to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in accordance with the timelines and schedules within the applicable negotiated agreements
• Periodically review administrative policies and procedures and make recommendations to the CEO and Board of Directors if changes are required
• Provide guidance on local market conditions and external influence to inform AEF staff
• Champion the CIF with colleagues, other levels of government and community leaders to build the reputation and reach of the CIF
• Champion the CIF with colleagues, other levels of government and community leaders to assist in attracting donations, investments and grants to meet the leveraging requirements of CIF’s funding agreement with the federal government.

The CIFEAC will be supported by a secretariat made up of the Program Director of the Climate Innovation Fund and other Alberta Ecotrust Foundation staff (as applicable) and informed by subject matter experts (multi-sectoral), municipal staff, and the already established climate change committees of the municipalities. The roles and responsibilities outlined here may be amended by a motion of the Board on receipt of a formal recommendation by the CEO on behalf of the CIFEAC.


Board Information

Term of Committee Members
With the exception of the municipal representatives whose term will be determined based on the process of their respective municipalities, all members will serve for two years with the possibility of being appointed for two more consecutive terms. Attempts will be made to stagger membership to ensure business continuity.

• The two CIFEAC committees will individually be composed of not fewer than (5) and not more than twelve (12) members.
• As per the Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) established between the City of Calgary and the City of Edmonton with AEF, one seat on CIFEAC will be reserved for a municipal representative on each of the respective CIFEAC.
• One seat will also be reserved for a currently sitting member of the AEF board (to be appointed by the board.).
• The AEF Chief Executive Officer is a non-voting, ex officio member of both CIFEAC committees.

Quorum will be reached when 51% members of the Committee are in attendance.

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Councillor Spencer, Evan Member of Council 24 Oct 2023 31 Oct 2025 Active